If you have received an e-mail or phone call asking you to provide personal information and/or send payment to avoid arrest or other penalty, it is a scam.
The Court will NOT do any of the following:
The Court will NOT send or accept jury forms by e-mail. The Court's official forms do not require your social security number or other personal information such as your mother's maiden name.
Serve a warrant by e-mail or fax. Valid warrants will always be served in person by a U.S. Marshal or other law enforcement officer.
Call, e-mail, or send a fax to tell you a warrant has been issued.
Demand the payment of money in lieu of being arrested.
- Demand verification of personal information via e-mail or phone call, such as date of birth, social security number, or bank account information.
Scammers, claiming to be an officer or attorney of the U.S. government, have been contacting citizens and demanding payment of money or verification of personal information in order for the subject of the scam to avoid arrest. Scammers have also been e-mailing citizens official-looking jury forms requesting personal information (phishing). Calls and e-mails such as these are scams. Such e-mails may contain Trojan horses or viruses.
What Can You Do?
If you believe that you have been the victim of fraud or have received a scam phone call, phishing e-mail, or fax, contact your local police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or the United States Marshals Service.