Thursday, May 29, 2014
The District Court of the Virgin Islands cordially invites the legal community to its Brown Bag Luncheon on Thursday, June 12, 2014, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the District Court of the Virgin Islands in the Division of St. Thomas.1
Chief Judge Wilma A. Lewis, District Judge Curtis V. Gómez, Recalled Magistrate Judge Geoffrey W. Barnard, Magistrate Judge George W. Cannon, and Magistrate Judge Ruth Miller will facilitate the discussion.
The event is an open forum where the topics discussed will be of interest to the Bench and the Bar.
Light refreshments will be provided.
One CLE credit is offered.
Space is limited to the first forty (40) registrants. To register, please contact Kim Bonelli at (340) 774-0640 or send an email to
1 In accordance with the Court’s schedule of alternating meeting venues between the divisions, the next Brown Bag Lunch will be held in the Division of St. Croix.
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