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Reminder: Brown Bag Luncheon (Additional Agenda Item)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The District Court of the Virgin Islands cordially invites the legal community to its Brown Bag Luncheon on Thursday, March 15, 2012, from 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. at the District Court of the Virgin Islands, Division of St. Croix. Chief Judge Curtis V. Gómez, Judge Wilma A. Lewis, Senior Sitting Judge Raymond L. Finch, Magistrate Judge Ruth Miller, Magistrate Judge George W. Cannon, and Senior Magistrate Judge Geoffrey W. Barnard will facilitate the discussion. Light refreshments will be provided.
This event is an open forum. Some of the topics that will be discussed are:
  • Introduction of Judge Wilma Lewis
  • Disciplinary Rule 83.2
  • Trial Management Schedules
  • New Rule 16 Conference Procedure
Added to the agenda is the Introduction of the Acting Federal Public Defender Edson Bostic.
One CLE credit offered.
Space is limited. To register, kindly contact judicial assistant Olga Schneider at (340) 774-1800, or send an email to
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